Roleystone Steep Waterfall
Thank you again Tony, you and the boys have done a fabulous job and made it all so easy for us. We love our waterfall – just need to find some more comfortable chairs to view it from!
This is a very steep pondless waterfall ~3.5-4m high and long that we built in October 2021 based on the Aquascape Australia 8m pondless stream kit. Being such a steep waterfall,l we used very large moss rocks to both retain the slope and create a very natural looking waterfall. It did have some tricky logistics and we had to build the bulk of it from the driveway at the top using the reach and lifting capacity of a 5.5 ton excavator.
The owners Karen and Wally absolutely love it and have rebuilt the steps alongside to make a really striking and individual entry feature for their beautiful home high in the Roleystone hills.
Something Interesting
This pondless waterfall was their 40th wedding anniversary present to each other. They’re already talking about a 50th anniversary watergarden present outside their main bedroom windows, though we wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t wait that long.
Type of water feature & Size
Steep pondless waterfall ~8m with custom BIG moss rocks
Estimated current build cost 2025